Adelaide NLP – Our Vision
Our vision is to provide South Australians with a supported, local, quality and mindful NLP training alternative.
Adelaide NLP – Our Mission
We are about excellence of mind because that will support a person in all fields of endeavour.
We are not here to tell you how to get rich. We are not here to give you a short cut on how to have an amazing relationships, or sell you a pill to get totally healthy.
The reason is because the principal that underlies all of the above is a skilful mind. So our philosophy is to give you the most powerful mind you can have that will enable you to shed emotional baggage, gain clarity in where you are headed and empower your communications skills so you can influence the world around you.
Meditation gives you powerful mindfulness which improves concentration, your mind works though programming and then how to reprogram your mind in a way that is more effective for your life. This in turn leads to more abundance, better relationships, more passion in your work and more influence on those around you (including your kids!)